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CORRO per AiCRA: Eppiberdei Markiyan

Mancano solo due giorni al primo compleanno di Markiyan, ma il regalo più bello glielo abbiamo (avete) già fatto in questi sei mesi. Già, sono passati sei mesi da quando abbiamo dato il via a questo progetto insieme ad AiCra per aiutarlo. La Maratona di Milano è passata in fretta, ma la maratona di solidarietà nata per aiutarlo non si è fermata. Mai. E con l'ultima offerta proprio di oggi abbiamo raggiunto 2440.00€ totali. Ben oltre quello che era stato il nostro obiettivo iniziale. Questo è il nostro personal best...

Peccato non aver trovato nessuno sponsor-donatore che accettasse la mia sfida, avremmo potuto raddoppiare la cifra. Anche se, per come si è messa poi la mia situazione fisica pre-gara, sarebbe stato un buco nell'acqua. Ma per questo ci rifaremo il prossimo anno magari. In realtà non abbiamo fatto tutto da soli. Senza l'aiuto degli amici di AiCra saremmo arrivati vicini al nostro obiettivo ma senza completarlo (1265,00€). E un grazie va anche dato all'Istituto Besta che ha aiutato a sua volta Markiyan e sua mamma Anna, sia nella permanenza che nel delicato periodo delle operazioni. Parte del ricavato del nostro progetto, CORRO per AiCra, verrà utilizzato per comprare un respiratore che servirà a Markiyan per riuscire a dormire e rimanere sdraiato. Poi entro la fine del mese una nuova operazione. Come quando avevamo iniziato lascio che siano le parole di Anna a chiudere questo nostro progetto. Da parte mia e di Markiyan un solo grande GRAZIE.

"We (I and Markiyan) arrived to Italy on the 3rd of March. Irina and Nico met us in Bergamo Airport.The 5th of March we went to the Hospital Carlo Besta to meet with d-ssa Valentini. But we met not only with her--d-ssa Valentini has organised a consultation with other 4 doctors. So 5 doctors watched Markiyan and decided what to do. The 11th of March we came to the hospital to stay there. There were a lot of tests and exams. Markiyan slept bad at night-he has apnoea. The 17th of March his lef eye became red and very big-it was the result of high pressure in the head. His breathing was worse! he could sleep only in sitting position. He felt bad. So the next day there was the first immediate surgery, three days and three surgeries.The last was the most difficult and it was about 8 hours... At 15.15 d-ssa Valentini came in my room--tired but happy. That surgery was successful too! Next 5 days Markiyan was in resuscitation department. He was better, on the second day there he wanted to eat! I was so happy! Next two months we spent in our room # 7 in Besta. Markiyan was better and better. Every day he became stronger and funnier. He started to play, sing. He was interested of every thing he saw. He was changing very much and very quickly. But one day his pillow was wet-the liquid from the head has found the hole in the seam and some days later Markiyan had high fever- infection... Later one more surgery to sew this part again...
The 7th of April there was a Marathon in Milan. Two very nice people (Dario and Chiara) run this marathon for Markiyan (later they visited us in the hospital and bring the T-shirt from the Marathon). During these months we visited other doctors because Markiyan has a lot of problems.We thank d-ssa Valentini very much: she visited my baby every day, even on holidays(if it was neсessary), she organized all the visits to other doctors and hospitals. She is a fantastic woman and a Doctor.We thank all other doctors and nurses from Besta.We thank Aicra very much: they called me, visited us, sent toys and clothes for Markiyan.Special thank for Raffaela and Roberta!
Now we live with Irina and Nico. They are our family in Italy. And we thank them very much too.
The next surgery is planning in the end of June. And we will come back to the Hospital Carlo Besta again..."